How to ‘B’ Happy in Times of Need

'B' Happy smiling family at a tropical resort

Did you ever think you would be living through a pandemic like this in your whole life? It typically is something you only read about in textbooks. This time period has caused challenging times for many. People are feeling sad and hopeless, but we don’t have to sit in those feelings. The purpose of the blog is to instill happiness, help people smile, and hopefully share some tips people can find resourceful to get them through.

What will help instill happiness in these times?

Forward thinking – or thinking ahead – is one thing that helps me. It may take time and patience, but in the long run WOW, does it help!  For example, as I sit here and write this blog, I should be less than two weeks away from going to the happiest place on earth, Walt Disney World. A planned girl’s trip to Disney with my best friends, all while getting to see my two sisters and niece who live in Florida, has been put on hold indefinitely. A BUMMER to say in the least.

My favorite saying has always been “Do you look at the glass half full or half empty?” I try to always find the positive in it all, my glass is always half full. Do I always succeed in this mindset? No. But it is part of me to find happiness in everything I do. I’ve recently heard a spin to this timeless moto, you can see the glass as half full or half empty, but does it matter? You have the power to refill it. It’s up to you.

While I write this post, I think about people I know who have been affected by this pandemic in ways some wouldn’t even think about. For example, my older cousin was supposed to be getting married this week, but instead his wedding is pushed back 6 months. It might not sound like a lot or big to you, but to that bride and groom, that’s their whole world.

To all the seniors of college and high school regarding graduation, my heart breaks for you. This is something people dream of and everyone has talked to you about your whole life. Now, it has been taken from you in a blink of an eye. To you, it seems like your whole world is crashing.

So how do we make people smile? I keep remembering sadness is only temporary.

The wedding … is only delayed. The trip … can be rescheduled. Your graduation … will happen, maybe in a different way, but you still will graduate. Having hope in things to come is how you can ‘B’ Happy. I look at all of this and in the moment I’m sad, disappointed and hurt, all sorts of emotions. It is ok to feel these emotions, but try and say to yourself, this is only temporary. I am so lucky that I am able to still go to Disney with my friends, just at a later date. I am so happy I will be able to attend my cousin’s wedding that I have been looking forward to for months. I’m so happy these seniors will still get there diploma and still think back on all the fun memories from their past 4 years. We will get through this, together!

Happy family smiling and looking at a smart phone

Quick tips to help build happiness:

• Virtual happy hour – Social distancing doesn’t mean you can’t be social. In this day and age, you have a plethora of resources available to you to stay connected to family and friends. Some of my favorites include texting, talking on the phone, FaceTime, Skype and ZOOM meetings. Let your smile and your happiness be infectious!

• Take up a hobby – Start that book, exercise, and learn a new hobby you’ve always wanted to do. Feeling accomplished goes a long way into making you feel happy.

• Find a resource for daily happiness – I get daily emails called Moments of Happiness from Gretchen Rubin. Each email gives ways or quotes on how to be happy. Click here if you wish to sign up.

• Love to cook or bake? – Take to the kitchen, whip up some yummy goodness and ding-dong-dash your neighbors!

• Plan your week – Every week I pick one thing to do that day that helps me get through the week. For example, Tuesday – walk, Wednesday – take out the trash. Yes, it sounds crazy but it is something I look forward to everyday and it helps me get some much needed fresh air.

• Time to binge watch – If there was a show you always wanted to watch, now is the time! With your extended time at home, get cozy on the couch and binge away.

• Spring cleaning – Sounds crazy, but it is spring right now. If you’re like me, I have so much to do around the house. Now is the perfect time to organize your closets, attics and basements. You can donate what you don’t need, but you will probably have to wait for the pandemic to be over since there are no workers managing it. So, just make sure to stick it in a corner somewhere and when the time comes, donate!

If you need more helpful tips, we found this great link for “10 Ways to Make Yourself Happier in 30 Seconds or Less”.

Let’s embrace the new normal, find the positive in each day and ‘B’ Happy together. Remember, being happy and outpouring love could not only help you, but also someone else that might truly need it.