My personal experience at the Virginia International Tattoo

Recently one of our Boscov’s Travel Advisors took a trip to Virginia International Tattoo and its surrounding areas. Read her incredible experience below.

“I recently had the pleasure of attending the Virginia International Tattoo.  To the surprise of many, it has nothing to do with skin tattoos, but is a military exhibition that is the signature event of the Virginia Arts Festival.  This was an especially great experience because it was the 25th Anniversary “Silver Jubilee.”  This performance showcased 25 years of presenting the world’s most patriotic Tattoo, with an all-star lineup up of performers including: Military Bands, Massed Pipes and Drums, Elegant Highland Dancers, Precision Drill Teams, and Stunning International Performers.

The Tattoo was very entertaining and commanded audience participation throughout the show.  Most amazing was the Star Spangled Banner, which brought everyone to their feet; service songs from all branches of the military that asked people to stand when your family’s service song was sung; and a grand finale of hundreds of pipers, military musicians, and singers joining together to perform Amazing Grace.  This event occurs annually in Norfolk, VA.

While there, I took the opportunity to visit various other points of interest including:  Virginia Beach; King Neptune, a colossal 34 feet high bronze statue that rises from the depth of the Atlantic Ocean at 31st Street and Atlantic Avenue overlooking Neptune Park; Virginia Military Aviation Museum; Norfolk Botanical Gardens; Navy Cruises “Victory Rover” sightseeing cruise; Nauticus, The National Maritime Center; General Douglas MacArthur Memorial, and the Chrysler Museum.

If you’re looking for a fun, educational, vacation, definitely consider booking tickets for next year’s Virginia International Tattoo and plan several days before and/or after to explore the rest that Norfolk and Virginia Beach have to offer.”

Contact your local Boscov’s Travel Advisor today to book a trip to next year’s Virginia International Tattoo.

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